Thursday, August 26, 2010

How many leads did your last ad generate?

I'm sure it had all the important stuff...Office logo, your picture, contact info, website, etc.  But, did it have anything on there that would make people remember you?  Seek you out when they are ready to buy or sell?

Whether it's a Real Estate Magazine that you are advertising your listings in, or a simple classified ad for an open house, in order to get your money's worth (otherwise, why are you bothering to advertise at all?) you need to be unique.

I know you're probably saying...What in the world am I going to do to make myself unique?  Instead of thinking of it so bluntly, why not think about what your clients want, or rather, an issue your clients have and need fixed?

For example, communication is a huge issue many people have with agents.  Promote yourself as the agent you gives weekly updates or they can cancel their listing contract, or, even better, weekly updates or I reduce my commission.

How about professional, wide-angle lens photographs?  Not many agents do that.  Advertise FREE Professional Photographs for all listings.  Stress the importance of a great first impression in this online world.

Another way to make ads more profitable is with 800 #'s.  Used correctly, these can be a great lead resource for agents, but that's a top for a different post.

It doesn't have to be complex, but it certainly should be catchy.  If you give them something they want, they will always remember you.  Especially if they think they are getting something MORE than other buyers or sellers.  It could be something most agents do, but that doesn't mean buyers and sellers know that.

Once you develop an idea, stick with it and include it on all your marketing material - business cards, presentations, websites, brochures, etc.

Happy Advertising :)