Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Why NOT to work harder! Follow me... STEP 4 - Branding

**Read Intro Blog post here**

So what, your a ___________. There are thousands of other people/businesses that are just like you. What makes you different/better? That's what your branding (and marketing) needs to portray.

Take Realtors, for example. Depending on your area, there are thousands of them competing with one another. Does any one stand out to you? Me neither. They all try to be alike instead of trying to be different. Different is what is going to make you stand out and get more business. Blending in is going to keep you constantly struggling.

So, let's stop trying to be like all the other Realtors, marketing companies, insurance agents, home inspectors, lawyers, accountants, etc. Let's be different.

To be different requires some work and risk taking (why most don't do it). You truly have to be better/offer a better product, not just 'say' you do.

TC is going to be offering a 'Guarantee' on their marketing programs soon. That's different. How many marketers will actually guarantee that what they tell you to do will work - to the point where they will give you your money back? Not many. And when you think about it, any product or service that you pay for should always come with some kind of guarantee.

Granted, I can't tell you how many clients I get that tell me what their marketing plan is and just want me to implement it. And I do, and they usually never commit to it, aren't consistent, claim they have run out of money, etc. and then nothing happens.

That's the flaw I see in my business. I'm letting someone who has limited knowledge in marketing develop their own plan. I need to advise them better, instead of appeasing them. It will only help both parties. Unfortunately, most businesses try to cut costs by developing their own marketing plan and they aren't catching on that it's actually costing them more this way.

To sum up...Let's be different. Be outstanding at what we do. Make people come to us. Our brand will speak for itself.