Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Why NOT to work harder! Follow me...

Recently, a friend on Facebook posted about how the businesses that tried the hardest, gave 110%, were going to be the ones that succeeded.  And it got me thinking...Does that really sound right?  At face value, but something bugged me about it.  Maybe it was the fact that I never saw the "Work Hard = Profits" equation in my economics class, or maybe it was because I've been working hard for years and feel like my business isn't growing as fast as I would like.  Something's fishy...

So, I decided to commit myself, 110%, to doing what will truly grow my business.  I'm not going to be working harder, I'm going to be working smarter!

Hopefully you will follow me on this journey.  Subscribe to my blog and grow your business along with me.  I'm going to need you guys to hold me accountable and I am more than willing to do the same for you.

Once every two weeks I'm going to post about the work that I've done to seriously grow my business.  Take the tips and use them in your business.  This isn't hard.  It's about having a plan and sticking to it.

First Goal: Revamp current business rates and procedures. 

I've decided that I'm not working for free anymore.  I'm so busy everyday doing work that never pays.  Forget it!  I'm done with it.  I've got a family to feed and take care of just like everyone else. 

New contracts will be signed, rates set and procedures outlined so all parties know what to expect when they work with TC.

Lets get this journey started.  I don't know about you guys, but I'm ready to start making some real profits, all while NOT working harder!

PS.  I've got two businesses I'm going to be working on.  My marketing business - TC Business Management, LLC www.TCMandD.com - and my online classified site - PA E Seller  PAESeller.com (which I've ignored since inception).  This plan will work for any business with just some minor tweaking.  B2B or B2C.

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