Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Why NOT to work harder! Follow me... Part 1; Update 2

**Check out the INTRO BLOG POST to this article here**

I just wanted to provide a brief outline for those thinking of re-launching or refreshing their business along with TC.  This is a broad overview and their will be many posts on each topic in the months to come.
  1. Products/Services: are you offering anything new?  Any services your clients just may not be aware that you offer?  What's your USP (Unique Selling Proposition)?
  2. Fees: Set your fees and stick to them especially in a service business.  Some will try to chew you down constantly.  Think of your time, and ask yourself if they would do the same for you.
  3. Systems: Can you handle more business with the current systems in place?  Do you have enough help?  Will more leads mean you have to work 16 hour days?
  4. Brand: Either re-launch the brand you have if you like it and feel that it resonates with your clients, or refresh your image.  You should have a professional set of marketing materials including a logo, business card, envelopes, letterhead and website.  The image you portray should be the same over EVERY medium.
  5. Business Plan: What's your goal with this re-launch/refresh? Where do you want your business to be in 1, 5, 10, 15 years and how are you going to get there?  All questions that must be answered.
  6. Marketing Plan: How are you going to get new clients?  Referrals?  Repeat business?  Do you eliminate print advertising completely in today's Internet age?  How important are professional ad campaigns versus ones designed by yourself?
  7. Implementation:  It's great that you have it all down on paper.  Businesses that do that are way ahead of the mark.  Now, you need to implement it.  This can be the hardest step for some.  They key is consistency over time.  Committing to something for two, or even six months isn't going to change anything.
Print this out and scribble notes as ideas pop into your head.  This is the brainstorming phase. Feel free to share any of your ideas.

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