Friday, April 23, 2010

Target Your Marketing & Watch Your Profits Grow!

Instead of just marketing to the masses, how about you take the time to fine tune both your database and your farm.

Database: Sort your database into A+'s (those who know a lot of people and are very likely to refer you), A's (would refer you if they knew someone who needed your service/product), B's (may remember to refer, may not), C's (not likely, but they know/have worked with you).

Now, spend most of your database marketing budget on the A+'s and A's. This is were most of your leads are going to come from anyway. My ideas, market to the A+'s and A's 1-2 times a month, B & C's maybe only once every 3 months. Also, spend a little more money to get the A+'s something unique at least once a year.

Farm: Instead of just picking a neighborhood or certain streets to market to, how about we do some research. Find out how often the turnover is in the area, and then only market to those who fall within those parameters. If houses tend to sell about every 7 years, market to those who have owned their home for 6+.

These are just a few easy ways to save yourself money and generate more results. Being sure to include a Unique Selling Proposition (USP) and/or value added content also is an important factor that I will discuss in future posts.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Don't Just Track Your Marketing...Track YOU!

What are your conversion ratios?  Average Listing to Sale Price for a Seller?  Buyer?  DOM for a Seller?

These are all things that you need to know to make yourself better.  It's not just about whether your marketing works, it's about whether YOU WORK!  You can have the greatest marketing, but if you can't do anything with the leads once you get them, what good is it?

Plus, you may find out you're REALLY GOOD!  If you are, why aren't you marketing that to your sphere or farm?  That's something most agents don't do, and would make you stand out from the crowd.

When most consumers look at marketing material they ask the question, "What's in it for me?"  If you can get there home sold faster, for more money, you just answered that question for them and gained yourself a new client.