Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Cost Effective Listing Marketing That Works!

Having done a lot of different listing marketing combinations for a lot of different realtors, I've learned a think or two about what works. Here's what I would recommend...

1- BUYERS LOVE VIRTUAL TOURS! The clicks you will get via internet marketing b/c of these tours is something you will love to share with your sellers.

2- THE QUALITY & QUANTITY OF YOUR LISTING PHOTOS - This is huge! Make sure you have great pictures (staging the home comes into play here) and a lot of them. Buyers love to look at pictures. This is truely their first impression of the home.

3- FREE RECORDED INFO 800 #'S - Don't waste that listing! Buyers will call these numbers and become possible new clients. They are worth it.

4- 'SOFT SELL' ON NETWORKING SITES - I hate when realtors just post their new listings, price reductions, etc on facebook. Boring... A spin on this idea is to upload your listings great photos to your album and your sellers album (if they have one) and then comment back and forth. The exposure doubles and people are more interested with interior photos then exterior and what you have to say about them of course.

5- CRAIGSLIST & OTHER SITES - They work! I track the clicks and buyers are definitely using Craigslist to search for homes. Make sure you use an html version with a lot of great photos. OpenHouse.com is great for open houses too :)

6- INTRO LETTER OUTLINING MARKETING STRATEGY - Tell your sellers what they are going to receive. Don't let them tell you what works - you're the expert. Have it in writing before hand so they know what to expect.

7- SINGLE PROPERTY WEBSITE - I've mentioned this site before, EPropertySites.com. It's great. Tons of useful, lead generating tools with click reports to show that it's working! Only $10/listing too!

8- HEADLINE & DESCRIPTION - Very important! When I started in real estate I thought those 'picture painting' descriptions were pointless - I've learned. They really do work. Make the buyers WANT to live in the home and they just may buy it!

9- LOCAL REAL ESTATE BOOK - I don't write these completely off. Pick one and advertise consistently just to cover your bases. Not everyone is online :) I know offices that use to pay for every real estate magazine in the area all while getting little to no results. They switched to this plan and have been doing very well.
10- FLYER & BUSINESS CARDS - I've seen flyers that have paragraphs of information on them. Ugh. I just turn my head and don't even want to read them. Keep it short and make sure those great photos are on there. Create and print business card labels with your listings info on them, place them on the back of your business card and leave them along with your brochure at the property. Buyers will pick them up!

11- JUST LISTED POSTCARDS TO... - Don't just mail to the development! I know sellers like to see that, but a more important group to mail (or email) to is your database/sphere. They know you, like you and will tell someone they know about the listing (if you market to them consistently and correctly).

12- EMAIL TO AREA AGENTS - Some agents hate these emails, others read them every time. I do think they are useful. The more times your listing is out in front of an agent the more likely they are to remember it when a buyer asks for a home that fits your listings description.

Oh yeah...and a good listing price always helps! Sometimes that can be the hardest to get though...

Just some things I've picked up on...Not all inclusive, but a good start. Let me know if you guys have found any other items that work well.

I, Kim Bartells, am the owner of TC Business Management, LLC - a virtual assistant firm for realtors. If you're interested in highering a virtual assistant feel free to visit my site www.TCMandD.com

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